Magzter app for mac

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We’ll try to help you decide which device will be best for you, but there’s little doubt that Apple is making this a tricky question to answer. Magzter's 'All-You-Can-Read' subscription model, Magzter GOLD, gives users unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines (including their back issues), newspapers and premium stories for one low monthly price. With so many titles now available on macOS, it can come down to how each will work for you in terms of the physical forms. This makes the cost analysis almost moot, which is then exacerbated by the fact that the M1 chipped MacBooks can run most iOS apps and games as well. For example, you can buy a 12.9–inch iPad Pro for only $200 more than the equivalent 256GB MacBook Air, but if you opt for the 11–inch iPad Pro then you can pay only $100 more than the 256GB MacBook Air for 512GB of storage. In terms of power, we have now reached parity thanks to the new iPad Pro which uses the same M1 chip as the MacBook Air, and when you start to look at the storage onboard the comparisons become even closer. Enjoy unlimited reading on up to 5 devices with 7-day free trial. IT USED TO be the case that choosing between a MacBook and an iPad was easy, but Apple has started to blur the lines between the two in ways that few of us could have expected. Digital newsstand featuring 7000+ of the worlds most popular newspapers & magazines.